Friday, August 26, 2016

Getting ready for Force Multiplier (JSA book 4)

Here is my original book cover for Force Multiplier (when it was book 1, back in 2010).

I'm doing some conceptualizing for the new cover.  There are several instances of the theme throughout the story.  The "textbook" definition of a force multiplier is:

"A capability that, when added to and employed by a combat force,
significantly increases the combat potential of that force
and thus enhances the probability
of successful mission accomplishment."

Retired General Colin Powell is known to have identified optimism as a valid force multiplier.  Here's a meme I recently found on that topic:

God is seen as the best and greatest Force Multiplier in this fourth Jake Sloan Adventures.  In Trident's Flame (JSA book 1) one of the Navy SEALs known to Jake and his father described Jake as a force multiplier.  Charlie Beckwith turns out to be a kind of force multiplier as well.  Especially in her role as a sniper (no spoilers here).  Friendship is, in some ways, a force multiplier, much as is the teamwork fundamental to SEAL operators. 

Concept for book cover: Choke Point, JSA book 3.

Here is a concept work-up for Choke Point.  We're just a few minor adjustments away from finalizing it.  Feels good to be so close to completion.