Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Posting from the International Spy Museum (13Jan2014)

International Spy Museum posted this recently.
THIS DAY IN SPY HISTORY -- On January 13, 1898, famed novelist Émile Zola's writes an open letter "J'accuse" to the President of France, accusing the government of anti-Semitism and the unlawful jailing of Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish Army General Staff officer who was sentenced to life-long penal servitude for espionage.
 I got me to thinking about anti-Semitism and current history.  It prompted me to write this as a FB "Share" entry:

 Anti-Semitism in espionage. History never seems to be without a gap in time where Jews were not targeted in some fashion. It was a curse of their Diaspora (scattering throughout the nations).

Now that they're back in their own land (since May of 1948), well, it doesn't seem to stop. Now they've got heads of state calling for their destruction as if it came from the lips of Hitler himself. "Wipe them off the map" was the last such phrase I recall hearing from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (Iran's sixth president from 2005 to 2013).

At his 2012 United Nations address he even called for the arrival of their 12th Imam, known as the Mahdi, which entails the destruction of all non-believers, including Sunni Muslims.

Jerome R. Corsi of World Net Daily reported back in Sept. 26, 2012, "With the U.S. and Israeli delegations absent in boycott, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addressed the (United Nations) General Assembly on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur in a rambling, apocalyptic speech in which he declared his confidence that the table already is being set for a 'new world order.'

What Ahmadinejad means by 'new world order,' however, has nothing to do with the globalist economic and political integration envisioned by President George H. W. Bush.

Known internationally as 'Twelvers,' radical Shiite Muslims like Ahmadinejad believe the new order will come with the return of their messiah, the Mahdi – the child imam who supposedly went into seclusion at the bottom of a well more than 1,000 years ago."

Corsi continues, "What Ahmadinejad neglected to explain is that Shiite Twelvers believe a global apocalypse will mark the Mahdi’s return, leading to the annihilation all non-believers, including Christians, Jews and Sunni Muslims.

Many who have examined Ahmadinejad’s beliefs fear that Iran sees its buildup of nuclear-weapon capabilities and the destruction of Israel as the key apocalyptic event that will hasten the Mahdi’s return."

Just amazing. But real politics in today's world.

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