Wednesday, December 12, 2012

My best inspiration for Charlie Beckwith thus far... as a graphic

Been hunting around for possible graphics that might inspire similar artwork for Charlie Beckwith.  This is an example from a Patrick Nagel art deco piece.  (I'm unsure of its title, or that it even had one; it's modified to have blue eyes, by the way.)   He was a popular "art deco" style of graphic artist back in the 80's and 90's... typical pieces seen at that time would advertise women's apparel or accessories for places like Nordstroms, Broadway, Neimen Marcus and Saks Fifth Ave. 

I like the clean lines and the simplicity.  So, I'm going to attempt some shots of her in that style.  If I end up with something I like I'll try some for Jake as well.  They would serve as good avatars in various places.

Here is another from Patrick Nagel (modified slightly for blue eyes, and deletion of a dramatic ear-ring).  The first sample (above) is slightly older in age for Charlie, and this second sample is a overly Asian in style, but they both communicate much of what I had in mind:
And a concept piece for Jake from comic artist Sean E (from his Hunter-Killer comic covers).  This particular character is too old to be Jake Sloan, of course, but the art, dynamics, and features match overall.  Sean E wouldn't do some character art for JSA, would he?  He's a dynamite artist... if you're at all into this kind of art be sure you check out his material.  It's top notch.

By the way, here is a blurb about SeanE (that's Ellery), who lives in Perth, Australia:

Sean Ellery
Artist | Hobbyist | Digital Art
I'm a high school teacher of Social Studies + Geography/History during the day and Caped Colouring Crusader by night, colouring stuff on the side as a hobby and the odd paid gig here and there.
Current Residence: Perth Australia
Favourite style of art: comic digital art
Operating System: win xp
Favourite cartoon character: pinky and the brain

I'll post my own Jake Sloan and Charlie Beckwith soon.

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